Squat to Press with StrongStrap by Stroops is an intermediate exercise, and proper form and technique of a squat and shoulder press should be performed on a stable surface prior to performing it on StrongBoard Balance Board. This exercise is primarily for the shoulders and legs but will also work the entire core musculature.
Featuring Mike Curry ACE Certified PT and SBB Inventor, StrongBoardBalance.com, with clients Mak King and Ana Guimaraes. IG: @strongboardbalance FB: @strongboard Twitter: @strongboard
1. Start by having the StrongStrap by Stroops attachment already on the base of your StrongBoard Balance. Hold the Fit-Stik Pro bar attachment in both hands and step onto StrongBoard Balance.
2. Keeping your spine erect, with a slight bend in your knees, hold the bar as wide as you can hold it, and raise it up towards your sternum.
3. Keep the bar close to your chest as you lower yourself into a seated, squat position.
4. Immediately, thrust yourself up out of the squat as you bring the bar over your head, into a full shoulder press.
5. Bring the bar back to your chest as you lower yourself back into a seated, squat position.
6. Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for desired amount of sets.
Tips: Be sure to brace your abs through entire set. This will help stabilize and protect the spine while lifting the weight over your head. Keep the neck long. For more of a challenge, you can slow or speed up your tempo.
